Watching the business of the world and minding the world's business.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

NGOs Control Wall Street, Business Group Says

The Washington Post ran a piece on health research this week, which revealed that PERCEPTION of a given fear has the same effect as if actually experiencing the fear.

Today’s Washington Post ran a FULL PAGE AD with a man wearing a ski mask under the bold header “I Control Wall Street.”

Who feels so aggrieved you ask that they would take out such a full page ad? None other than Life Sciences Research Inc. – whose wholly owned Huntingdon Life Sciences subsidiary tests products on some 75,000 animals each year, and is public enemy number one to a particularly rabid strain of NGOs. The company claims they were yanked from being listed on the NYSE “minutes before” its scheduled launch, because the big board was “reportedly threatened by animal rights activists,” who are alternately referred to as “terrorists.”

“Will Your Favorite Blue-Chip Be Next?” asks the NYSE Hostage web site. “Anti-business activism” is said to be alive and well, including eco-terrorists and also labor unions as part of a movement. The site surprisingly features a direct link to the NGO Stop Huntingdon Cruelty, which is said to have 100 corporate targets in its crosshairs.


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